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[영어스터디] 17_01_21 expression & discussion

by 박정률 2017. 1. 21.


1. I am at your service

뭐든지 시켜만 주십시오.

2. Ok, you are the boss

그래 , 니 맘대로 해라.

3.It's kind of a bittersweet thing.


4.Charity begins at home

팔이 안으로 굽는다.

5.Let's break the mold

고정관념을 꺠라


topic : 연봉  6천만원 월차,반차,휴가 안됌, 주말만 휴식가능 vs 연봉 3천만 원 휴가 두 달 있는 회사, 휴가동안 경제적 활동 불가 

if i'm a rich, then i will take the company that give two-month vacation.But In my situation, i have to save money to get a house and car and so on.

And if i get two-month vacation , i definitely go travel or spend leisure time. then take money more for them too. then  i can't save money .

So i have to select first company in reality.